It’s a big pleasure for us, Job Vreugdenhil and Leontien van Brummelen, to proudly present our new garage: Classic Paradise!
Our location is already fixed, but a lot of work still has to be done. In any case, we promise you a unique 80s experience, where we emphasize that also classics and youngtimers from other decades are most welcome.

Officially, we will start on January 1, 2019, but before that time we will work hard to organize, build and remodel everything. We are lucky to find many great friends and lovely people helping us out. Thanks a million to all!! It’s really cool to be able to realize all this together with you!

The visiting address, as per January 1st will be:
Ambachtshof 17
5317 NN Nederhemert
The Netherlands

+31 (0) 418 76 9003